Our Mission
United Way of Champaign County brings people and resources together to create positive change and lasting impact in our community.
Our Credo
We fight for the Health, Education and Financial Stability of every person in Champaign County.
We Live United.
Our Values
In 2011, United Way's board set the organization's core values of Leadership, Partnership, Resposniveness, Integrity and Good Governance. These values guide the everyday work of our organization and are more than mere "buzz words". We strive to uphold these values every day.
Our History
United Way of Champaign County, as we are known today, was founded in 1923-24 by the Champaign and Urbana Chambers of Commerce. Our first name was the Champaign-Urbana Community Chest, and we raised $12,667 in our first year (equivalent to $175,997 in 2015 dollars).
In the 1940's we expanded to include all of Champaign County. Our name has changed a few times since inception: In 1957 we became the United Fund of Champaign County, and in 1971 we became United Way of Champaign County. We are committed to our community.