August is National Eye Exam Month!

August: summer starts to wind down, school supplies are purchased, classrooms are assigned, kids and parents alike get excited for kindergarten to begin. What is one thing families often forget to do before the school year starts? Eye exams!!

That’s why we are celebrating National Eye Exam Month here at United Way! Getting ready for kindergarten does not just mean that your child can write their name, count to 100, or has the coolest, biggest set of markers.

Illinois law requires that proof of an eye exam is submitted to the school by October 15th of the child’s first year. If your child is not checked out by a doctor or optometrist and happens to be part of the 25% of children who have vision problems, they could easily fall behind in school. Eyesight problems can contribute to difficulty learning if children cannot read from their books, cannot focus on their writing, or cannot clearly see the whiteboard.

Remember, your eyes are constantly changing! When you take your kindergartner in, schedule an appointment for yourself and your older kids too. Regular eye exams can determine if you need to change your glasses or contact prescription and help detect and prevent major medical conditions such as glaucoma, high cholesterol, or cataracts.

Happy August and Happy National Eye Exam Month from United Way of Champaign County!