One of the most exciting days for you and your child is the first day of kindergarten. United Way's Getting Ready for Kindergarten Calendar features simple games, activities, and tips to help you and your child get ready for that special day.
Thanks to the generous support of our community and sponsors, printed copies of the calendar are available free of charge while supply lasts to all parents of 3, 4, and 5-year-olds in Champaign County.
Download a FREE Kindergarten Calendar Today!
Descargue una copia GRATIS hoy!
Téléchargez une copie GRATUITE dès aujourd'hui!
The East Central Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council has generously sponsored the English calendar since 2012.
Thank you to Kiwanis International of Champaign County for sponsoring the Spanish calendar.
Kindergarten Calendar FAQ
How do I get a printed calendar?
Parents & Caregivers: Visit your local library or contact your childcare provider for your FREE calendar!
Printed copies of this calendar are available FREE OF CHARGE while supply lasts to all parents and caregivers of 3, 4 and 5-year-olds in Champaign County.
¿Cómo obtengo una copia física?
Padres y cuidadores: ¡Visite su biblioteca local o comuníquese con su proveedor de cuidado infantil para obtener su calendario GRATIS!
Las copias impresas de este calendario están disponibles GRATIS hasta agotar existencias para todos los padres y cuidadores de niños de 3, 4 y 5 años en el condado de Champaign.
Comment obtenir une copie physique?
Parents et tuteurs : visitez votre bibliothèque locale ou contactez votre fournisseur de services de garde pour votre calendrier GRATUIT !
Des exemplaires imprimés de ce calendrier sont disponibles GRATUITEMENT jusqu'à épuisement des stocks à tous les parents et tuteurs d'enfants de 3, 4 et 5 ans dans le comté de Champaign.
Childcare providers: Call United Way at 217.352.5151 for printed copies.